This day in 1776 the colonies declared their Independence from the Mother Country, England. Hard work and determination on the part of our forefathers brought about long sought after Independence. Their knowledge and foresight have long been the basis for this great country, the United States of America. We live each day in peace and freedom and well being. There are many countries in the world who do not have this, or even one of these in their every day lives. We must continue to guard our country and be thankful we have guardians who keep us in peace and freedom. Thank you to all our dedicated warriors both past and present. GOD BLESS AMERICA! LAND OF THE FREE AND THE BRAVE!
I have opened my own little shoppe that you can access by clicking on this picture. I will be listing items that I have made or even some vintage goodies. So, keep looking! Blessings.
Welcome to you all who are visitors to my Blog. Please leave a comment! I am new to the blogging world and am still learning. Would love feedback and any suggestions! Thanks so much.
I am a semi-retired woman who works part-time at our county library. Three terrific daughters and seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren make up my immediate family.
Thrift-shops, antique stores, flea markets, vintage shops, etc., are my favorites! Mixing old and new with rustic country is my style that I call eclectic. And that makes me happy.