This Sunday, May 9th, is Mother's Day.
A holiday, that all over this United States of America, we will be honoring Mothers.
May 8, 1914, the U. S. Congress passed a law designating the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day.
May 9, 1914, President Woodrow Wilson, signed a proclamation declaring the first National Mother's Day.
Grafton Church, West Virginia, held the first celebration and is now the International Mother's Day Shrine and is a National Historical Landmark.
Carnations are the flower that has come to represent Mother's Day.
Mother's Day is celebrated in many countries throughout the world.
Remember your Mother on this day and honor her, even if she is no longer with you on this earth,
think about her and send up a prayer for her. Thank her for all the years she gave you.
Your family is all you have...they are LOVE!
Smiles and Blessings, Friends and Mothers everywhere!