Saturday, April 30, 2011

Granddaughter's Graduation

Dear Friends...I just had to share my Saturday with you all!
I went to my Granddaughter Sarah's graduation from Florida State University this morning.
She majored in Interior Design and accomplished so much in her four years.
She managed to graduate cum laude, and in August will be continuing for her Master's Degree.
Before continuing her education, she will be married July 30!  What a busy time for her and
all her family.  We are all so proud of what she has accomplished and what she will do it the
Go, Sarah!
Go Noles!

Smiles and Blessings,
Nancy (affectionately known as Gran)


Kathy said...

Congratulations - what a wonderful career choice - Had no idea when I was her age exactly what I'd like to be doing - now - I may pursue some courses myself!
Hope you have a marvelous weekend,

Vicki Boster said...

Nancy - You have every right to be proud of your grand daughter - what an accomplishment. As a new grandparent - I can truly imagine your feeling of such pride and love for your girl!

Congrats on her wedding - whe is getting married the day after my birthday!
